Louisville Zoo

The Louisville Zoo may have some of the most unique requests of any customer of ours; and we love it. The specific needs of each animals exhibit require expertise and often creativity to identify effective way to protect the animal, the spectators, and keep the animal safe from harm up to zoological standards.

We have installed fencing for entire exhibits, bolstered existing exhibits, and made dozens of repairs over the years throughout the Louisville Zoo. It’s a fun environment to work in because of the proximity to animals that you just don’t get to see everyday.

Though most of our work at the zoo is chain link, we have also installed several wooden projects, chain link roofs, fencing that would ultimately sit underwater, and several anti-dig fences.

Zoo Exhibits PFC has Worked on

  • Albino Aligator

  • Giraffe

  • Jaguar

  • Maned Wolf

  • Flamingo

  • Guanaco

  • Zebra

  • Wallaroo Walkabout

  • Emu

  • Seal/Sea Lion

  • Polar Bear/Grizzly Bear

  • Splash Park

  • Zoo Perimeter


Zaxby's - Corydon, IN


Louisville Water Company - BE Payne Water Treatment Facility